Racist swap: Howard to be replaced by Steve Bucknor

Australia and New Zealand have decided to replace former Aussie PM John Howard with a new candidate for the post of ICC president. The move comes in wake of stiff opposition to Howard’s candidature from South Asian countries and South Africa. Humor Unplugged, India’s most read blog, has learnt that the replacement candidate is as bad, if not worse, than Howard. The guy replacing him is none other than amoeba brained umpiring monolith Steve Bucknor.

Sources close to the cricket boards in Australia and New Zealand told Humor Unplugged that the move is designed to cock a snook at the countries who opposed Howard’s candidature on account of his horrendous past. “Yes, it’s true we have decided to pull our good old friend Bucknor in. Steve has always supported us in whatever we did and the fact remains that he has helped us win many matches and so he was the ideal candidate for this post from our side. Also, the fact that his cranial capacity is a measly 13 CC also helped; since we didn’t want the guy to be intelligent. He should simply listen to our dictates and help us regain control over ICC,” a senior ACB official told Humor Unplugged.

Tirade against Pawar continues
Meanwhile, former ICC CEO Malcom Speed launched a fresh broadside against Pawar, calling him a ‘glorified power hungry grizzly bear’. “Sharad Bhau should focus on his core area which is sugarcane business. Offlate he has been wearing too many caps and that’s creating problems for everyone. These Indian politicians want to do everything. I can assure you that if Pawar were to ever visit Australia, we will unleash our Klu Klux guys on him. If things continue on the same path, ICC might soon be headed by that former Indian railway minister; whats his name – that guy who was implicated in the fodder scam, Looloo, Lolu, Lawloo or something,” Speed said ending his 5 minutes of fame on Humor Unplugged on a forgettable note.
