Yo Sudha Murthy so simple

From appearing in only 300 media interviews a week to preaching on everything under the sun, Sudha Murthy has done it all. It is said that as a child, Sudha Murthy grew up in a media deprived family. "When I was growing up, we, as a family, were covered by the media only once a week. Sometimes we would go go for weeks without PR and we were never featured on Doordarshan. We didn't have a remote and had to change channels manually. Radio knobs had to be changed by hand. That should give you an idea of how challenging my childhood was," Murthy once told us. 

To help you understand how simple Sudha Murthy is, Humor Unplugged has put together a few benchmarks that Sudha Murthy has set. Let's roll.

Sudha Murthy is so simple that:

  • She only takes pictures in black and white to conserve colors
  • She mostly travels by Alliance Air and cooks her own food in the plane using ingredients available in the plane. Once she was able to dish out a paper dosa using just the inflight safety briefing document
  • Her wig is made of her own hair 
  • She uses Google Pay for payments just to get 3 Rs cashback after every 6800 transactions above Rs. 1,00,000
  • She never relies on the commentary given by commentators [what if the commentator is a non-vegetarian] during cricket matches. Instead she puts the TV on mute and gives her own commentary. "One should always be atmanirbhar, in every aspect," she says. For some reason, her husband Narayan Murthy never watches matches at home to this day. Sudha doesn't know why. 
  • She walks 4 kms every day on her treadmill to buy milk
  • Her i-phone is serviced by ITI
  • She brings a seat from her Delhi house to Rajya Sabha every day to avoid sitting in a seat used by a non-vegetarian
  • Her headphones are 100 percent recyclable and made from rice bran
  • She prints her own food ingredients label
  • She is so much into recycling that she even recycles her speeches and media interview statements 
  • She always heads to simple destinations such as Machu Picchu instead of flashy ones such as Bangkok 
  • Her kitchen has racks made of the most simple Carrara marble 
  • She only had 21 pre-wedding ceremonies as compared to 45 ceremonies held by Mukesh Ambani for his son Chabbu Ambani
  • Her nail polish is vastu compliant 
  • Her favorite drink is virgin Gripe water with soda
  • She makes hair dye at home using Indus Valley hair dye
  • She brings her own pilots whenever she flies on chartered aircraft 
  • Her favorite force is gravity 
  • Her AC temperature is set at 18 degrees irrespective of the weather outside
  • Her degree certificate is made from paper recycled from her exam answersheets
  • Her Netflix credentials are shared by the whole of Jayanagar
  • She still uses physical Infosys shares as table mats in her dining table
  • She stopped buying sarees after her collection crossed 120000
  • She uses free PDF convertors 
  • Her bangles are made of recycled Big Basket grocery boxes
  • Her glasses are made from recycled Marinovic Beach sand from Antarctica 
Sudha Murthy
           Simpler than Simplest: Sudha Simple Murthy


  1. 😀😀😀😁😆 If she was any more simpler, she would have been an unicellular organism

  2. As per Murthy's law, more humble the story, more the PR...

  3. she didn't attend the Ambani wedding


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Coffee is on me. It actually is...need to change my shirt now