PM Modi ji had participated in the freedom movement as well: historians

India's most photographed PM Shri Modi ji has added another post-dated feather to his cap. As per the same qusar-brained revisionist historians who claimed he had participated in anti-government protests during emergency, he had also contributed extensively in the Quit India Movement in 1942 disguised as a British Viceroy. 

When a few sane people pointed out that Modi ji was not even born then, these historians countered the claim by calling the doubters anti-nationals who ought to have been deported to a neighboring nation in 2014. 

"Modi ji in his previous life had shaped the Indian freedom movement. He had also countered the British colonial rulers by extracting Lithium from its ore which was a banned activity in 1942. Modi ji was the first person to extract Lithium and use it build a Lithium ion battery to power the world's first EV which he used to go around the country. He had also used the first satellite phone to make a call to the then US president asking him to put pressure on Churchill to give India independence," said Sehmat Sharma Modi ji's biographer and BJP historian. 

According to Sharma, Modi ji had also played a key role in extracting H H Dalai Lama from Tibet in 1959 as a 9 year-old boy. "Modi ji had crossed over to Tibet from the Zohji la pass and located a glum looking HH Dalai Lama sitting at a monastery. Wasting no time, Modi ji fashioned a small cycle using locally available coconut trees and neem branches and used the cycle to bring HH Dalai Lama safely to India," Sharma added.

As per these alleged historians, Modi ji had also helped liberate the then East Pakistan and defeat Pakistan in the battle of Pattonnagar where Modi ji personally destroyed 3 tanks by removing their GPS devices and luring them to a wrong turn. 

BJP spokesperson and thyroid patient Arnab Goswami meanwhile blamed successive Congress governments for not giving his master Modi ji his due. 

"Today, ladies and gentlemen, when I look back, when I turn my neck around, when I view my rear view mirror, I only see one tall leader. I only see one giant colossus, just one sauropod sized man of vision who steered India towards greatness and to whom we owe our freedom and growth to. I don't think many of us have done enough to deserve this beacon of humility as our prime minister. It is due to sheer blessings that we have managed to have Modi ji as our leader. I am even more fortunate to get a chance to pretend to be a journalist to carry Modi ji's maan ki baat to the masses. Ten years ago when I sold my spine and wore my BJP credentials, many had cried but today when I look back, my chest swells with helium. I can sacrifice 10 more lives and professions to serve this great man," Arnab Goswami said while munching a samosa at the BJP HQ's vendor canteen.    

"It is only because of Congress that we never got to learn about the greatness of this man. I hope someday the history texts are revised to unbelievable levels to cover Modi ji's greatness. He has inspired so many including world leaders such as Biden, Putin, Macron, Micron, Warren Al-carte, Pipi Goswami, Rajeev Chandrafaker among others," Goswami added.  

Modi ji in disguise in 1942 during his
underground days


  1. Few hours ago I read the story about some clown claiming Modi ji was hiding as a Sikh gentleman during emergency. How much will these sycophants lie? This story has clearly been stolen from an actual life incident involving the former defence minister George Fernandez. Shame on people who are peddling such fiction. On another note, great piece. Hope Arnab gets to read this to see how low he has fallen...

  2. Good one. Looks like paid bhakts haven't stumbled on your blog yet as most comments are dignified and factual...keep em coming

  3. I stalk your blog for obvious reasons...

  4. Ha....Modi ji was also responsible for the creation of the universe. In fact he was the one who gave the idea for sending an asteroid to eliminate the dinos..."benefit mil saktha hain". If it weren't for him, dinos would still be ruling the earth...


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