Pakistan will only use F-16s for flood relief type purposes: Biden

In a late evening call on Friday, US President Joe Biden assured Indian Prime Minister Modi that Pakistan will not be allowed to use F-16 jets against India. He also claimed that pakistan had assured him that they will only use F16 for objectives such as flood protection, climate change studies, studying eco location capabilities in bats and remote diagnosis of healthcare ailments. "I believe them and as of now I have no reason to feel they will cheat like they (pakistan) have done in the last 4 decades since US started arming pakistan to the teeth with all kinds of weapons," Biden said on the call. 

It may be remembered that US had recently approved a nearly $500 mn package to upgrade the F-16s already procured by pakistan under various schemes floated by US to arm world's terror capital. 

When Modi reminded Biden of pakistan's dubious role in 9/11, promoting terror globally, housing, and arming terrorists, Biden said pakistan deserves another chance to prove it has turned a new leaf. The summary of the call was published by US State Department and Indian MEA an hour back. According to a source, as per the assurance, pakistan has given Biden administration, it will be using F-16s to 

  • Entertain children through fly pasts and other tricks 
  • Air drop flood relief materials across pakistan 
  • Monitor various peaks to study the impact of climate change 
  • Keep tabs on the healthcare of people by monitoring people out in the open remotely 
  • Drop leaflets to generate awareness on cybersecurity-related issues and on the perils of smoking 
  • Rescue trapped mountaineers and other people who have made distressed calls 
Modi did not offer any comment on the above statements and appeared unimpressed according to our source. 

