Staff reporter, Pungee Crimes.
In a shoking revelation, the Dharams Langot case as reported in these coloums in the last few months has been solved. It may be recollected that Dharam's favorite lucky langot which was the apple of his eye was stolen in the wee hours of a Saturday evening in December. The langot was stolen when it was supposedly hing for drying by the then CM.
As allegations flew in all directions, the names of intenational criminals like underworld don driftwood, Pee Yoo Sellem and his girlfrind tonica and even Musharraf were alleged to have had a hand in the crime. Now, the Langot Investigation Bureau of the state police have said that the cirminals in this case were none other that the dreaded father son duo of deve Gowda and Kumaraswamy.
The case dates back to when Deve Gowda visted a famous asstrologer outside Bangalore who is supposed to have told him that Dharam would continue to be CM unless his lukcy Kucchi or langot was still with him. he aslo reportedly told him that who so ever owned the langot would rule over the state as CM .
Thus the father son duo made plans to strip Dharam of his lucky langot. First they lured him to a tea party and tried to steal his langot when Dharam went to the loo but Dharam was extra ordinarily careful that day and he went to the loo with his langot as was thus saved from the ignomy of the langot being taken away from him.
Then, Kumarswamy along with his fathert went to Dharam's residence while he was sleeping and saw the kucchi hanging up there for drying and stole the same and escaped into the darkness of the night. The next day the duo kept low and even went to Dharam to console him on the loss. But the crime was already done and the stage set for Kumarswamy becoming CM. In fact the swamy also told Kumarswamy that the vastu of the langoit was not allright and thus a pocket had to be added at the back. He did that and started wearing the same.
Things fell in place one by one and Dharam did not realise the significance of the loss and tThe CMs gaddi went to Kumarswamy while Dharam was left jumping like a monkey.....
Bhakra dutt,
Pungee Times
The photo actually shows Dharam runnoing after realising that his Kucchi was misisng.
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Coffee is on me. It actually is...need to change my shirt now