India's Election Commission acts tough on PM Modi

India's Election Commission, a majorly owned BJP subsidiary, finally woke up as the last phase of elections in the country kicked off. 

Responding to over 78000 complaints on PM Modi's frequent speeches laden with inflammatory content, language not befitting a leader, as well as 24 carat lies, the Election Commission decided to act tough and act finally. After a focused investigation by a local unpaid freelancer, the Election Commission decided to impose punishments on PM Modi. This was after the complaints were found to be valid. 

A decision to this effect was taken by CEC and clinical test dummy for Sleeping Pills Shri Rajiv Kumar on Thursday. "We have, after much consideration and conversations with BJP leadership and with their approval, decided to act with a heavy heart on these complaints and impose a punishment on our Hon'able Vishwaguru, Avtari Yugpurush and Pradhan Sevak PM Shri Shri Modi ji," Rajiv Kumar said.

As per a release by the Election Commission posted on the wall of a kirana store outside the EC HQ, the punishment imposed on the PM consists of the following measures:

  • Modi ji will have to write and submit a 200-word essay on the best way to eat a mango in summer
  • In at least one of his campaign speeches, he will have to thank former Prime Ministers for their role in bulding a new India
  • Modi ji to do one Ganga Arthi without the camera focusing on him
"These tough measures will help us curb bad speech during these elections and beyond," Kumar added.

Narendra Modi
Modi ji after he heard about the Election Commission punishment


  1. Ban Election CommissionMay 23, 2024 at 3:54 PM

    This election commission is a bunch of jokers

  2. The most uneducated and uncultured PM ever...this Modi is a blot on mankind...


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