China deploys commercial warships in the Middle East

Chinese warships Qiandaholycrapa, Xiaboubou and Jinmeowping have been deployed to the Middle East by the manchild superpower to showcase its expanding naval power in the region and beyond. Or thats what China wanted us to think.

A close inspection of the cargo by a UAE government cargo inspector in Abu Dhabi revealed that the ships painted in military grey were actually shipping toys, cutlery, balms and pens for sale across the region.

"It looks like China is just trying to profit from the conflict. Its warships are of zero consequence in the region or anywhere for that matter as Chinese Navy has as much combat experience as a seminary priest," Douglas Hart, a naval combat expert said. 

Chinese government spokesperson on fumes meanwhile denied the allegation and claimed that the ships were indeed combat capable. "They can fire water cannons to a distance of 1.2 miles and can even move in zigzag manner to mimic a dancer," Chinese government spokesperson said. 

Chinese warship
CNS: Qiandaholycrapa currently under deployment in the Gulf of Aden


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