Pakistan to host G 20 Terror Summit

World's terror capital and all round mischief monger Pakistan has been chosen by terror group ISIS to host a meeting of 20 of the world's biggest terror groups. A statement to this effect was issued by the group's Lahore, Karachi and Toronto offices late Sunday evening. 

"Pakistan is the global mothership of terror. Without their support, duplicity and resources, terrorism couldn't have become the scourge that it is today and to honor that support, we are proud to announce that Pakistan will play host to the first ever G 20 summit of global terror groups in January next year," the release said.

The Terror G 20 is a grouping launched as part of an intiative by Pakistan's ISI, which has so far launched over 300 terror groups globally. Canada, under Justin Trudeau’s leadership, has been warming up to some of these groups recently. Trudeau has in fact been nominated by the comical Gabbar Falsa International, a ragtag bunch of wannabe social media influencers peddling soggy mushroom induced fantasies as their brand ambassador. 

"PM Trudeau is of the opinion that all forms of free speech should be promoted on foreign soil even if it leads to terrorism. Within Canada however, he condemns such moves and efforts. Which is why PM Trudeau is able to bag as much respect in international circles as a discarded petridish containing staphylococcus aureus colonies awaiting an autoclave session," Trudeau’s office said in a statement. 

The meeting in January is expected to draw as many as 20 global terror groups and Pakistan PM and Canadian PM Trudeau will jointly deliver the keynote address. 

Benazir Bhutto's son and all round bacteriophage Bilawal Bhutto will open the proceedings through a dance number. 

Pakistan PM Shabaz Sharif announcing the G 20 terror summit flanked by Mullah Gomar and ballerina Bhutto. 


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